Habari Maalum College (HMC) was established to train emerging leaders and managers who are key influencers in the society as well as Media personnel who are opinion makers, to lead transformation and development in Africa. HMC is tasked to train and develop the current and next generation of Africa and world leaders and media personnel who will impact on the continent’s development through ethical and morally upright leaders and critical media personnel
- To be a centre for individual and societal transformation .
- To provide high quality education in order to develop knowledgeable, skilled & transformed individuals with ability to demonstrate excellence in profession and practice
Habari Malum College is a Christian College and has a biblical word view.
Some of the HMC values are:
- Servant hood
- Teamwork - including working in networks and partnerships
- Respect for people – regardless of philosophical differences, gender, ethnicity, disability, social or work position
- Integrity – including accountability, commitment, transparency, and open and clear communication.
- Goal oriented
- Customer oriented (seeks to meet the needs of those we serve)
- Striving for excellence .
Tanzania like other countries in Africa has great development and growth potentials, yet faces different challenges. Although the country is rich in terms of natural and human resources, yet most of her people are still poor. It is believed that the reason behind this is not lack of resources, but lack of personnel and leaders of integrity. Recognizing this challenge, Habari Maalum College, wants to play an important role in developing leaders and media personnel who can lead and transform this country and Africa as a whole. We want to train leaders and managers who are key influencers in the society as well as Media personnel who are opinion makers, to lead transformation and development in the continent
H a b a r i M a a l u m C o l l e g e ( H. M. C )
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